Painful Joints: Relieve Pain with Baking Soda.

Do you feel persistent pain in your joints?

Don't worry, I know of a simple and little-known remedy to alleviate this unpleasant feeling.

Toto end this suffering, I tried everything: anti-inflammatory cream, medication, a very hot shower before going to bed.

I won't hide from you that the results are often inconclusive ...

relieve painful joints with baking soda

But just yesterday, a friend who wants me well told me that she uses baking soda for all kinds of things, including to deal with joint pain that is a little too persistent.

A very funny method that I tested the same evening, as soon as I got home.

How to do

1. Dampen a cloth.

2. Distribute the baking soda on the damp cloth to soak it up.

3. Place the cloth on the painful spot.


And there you have it, your pains are now calmed.

Why it works

Are you eagerly awaiting the result? Well the baking sodarelievesindeed small pains, even if it does not eliminate them completely. You will still find yourself very relaxed.

I recommend it to alleviate a transient pain, before possibly consulting a doctor if it persists.

Bonus tip

Part of this pain is probably due to the awkward position I assume while working at my desk. So, in addition to this tip, I do some mat exercises that help me stand better.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's remedy for joint pain? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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