How to Get Rid of Urine Odor in Toilets (And Make It Smell Clean).

No matter how often we clean the toilets, the smell of urine is stubborn ...

And as long as there are several of you at home, this strong smell returns quickly!

So how do you get rid of the smell of pee in the toilet without drowning it in bleach or chemicals?

Fortunately, there is a very simple trick to get rid of pee smells and sanitize the toilet naturally.

Just sprinkle baking soda on your toilet and spray white vinegar on it. Look :

white toilet on a black background

What you need

- 500 ml of white vinegar

- 150 g of baking soda

- spray bottle filled with white vinegar

- clean cloth

How to do

1. Sprinkle the baking soda inside and outside the bowl: at the bottom, on the bezel, in the recesses, at the base and around.

2. Spray white vinegar over the baking soda.

3. Leave on overnight.

4. With the toilet brush, scrub the entire inside of the bowl.

5. With a clean cloth, wipe the entire exterior of the bowl.

6. Flush the toilet.

7. Repeat this cleaning once a week.


White toilet with red tiles and a smiley who pinches his nose because it smells bad

And There you go ! Thanks to this cleaning, the nasty pee smells disappeared effortlessly :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

Your toilets are perfectly clean and smell clean.

No more smell of urine every time you open the toilet door!

You can add citrus peels to the white vinegar spray.

It perfumes and leaves a good citrus scent in the room.

Why does it work?

Vinegar is a powerful natural disinfectant that gets rid of all bacteria ... and therefore, odors.

In addition to this disinfectant virtue, it also acts as a natural deodorant.

Coupled with the baking soda, they will get rid of all the nasty smells in the toilet.

And all this without synthetic fragrance!

Your turn...

Did you try that grandma's trick for removing urine odor in the toilet? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How to get rid of the smell of pee in your toilet.

Ultra Effective and Ready in 10 Seconds: The 100% Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner.

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