The Economical Trick to Clean Wood Furniture Naturally.

Your wooden furniture needs a boost: it's drab and needs some attention to refurbish it.

Many products I have tested to restore shine to the surface of my wooden furniture.

While some are effective, they are expensive.

Fortunately, there is a budget trick that achieves incredible results. It is a natural homemade product, made from lemon juice, olive oil and lemon essential oil.

how to clean wooden furniture with a natural and effective product to make it shine

How to do

1. Collect an empty and clean spray bottle of about 50 ml.

2. Prepare in a bowl 5 tablespoons of white vinegar or lemon juice.

3. Add 5 tablespoons of olive oil.

4. Add 15 drops of lemon essential oil.

5. Pour into the spray bottle.

6. Shake it well.

7. Spray a little of your preparation on a soft cloth.

8. Rub the surface to make it shine.


And there you have it, your furniture shines, like new :-)

You are not using harsh chemicals. Plus, you've saved money.

Do you have olive oil, lemon, but no lemon essential oil to make your mixture? No problem. You will find one here which is very good!

Your turn...

And you, are you going to test this trick for cleaning your wooden furniture? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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