The trick to take off 2 glasses stuck together.

To loosen 2 glasses stuck together, don't panic!

Rather than shoot them like a brute and risk breaking them, there is a simple trick.

The trick is to use hot and cold water to loosen them effortlessly:

put cold water in the top one, then place the bottom glass in a bowl of hot water

How to do

1. Put cold water in the one above. The colder the better. You can use ice cubes to cool the water as needed.

2. Then place the bottom glass in a bowl of hot water. The hotter the better. If you don't have a bowl, you can put it right in the sink.

3. Wait 1 min and unblock the 2 glasses.


There you go, your glasses are unstuck :-)

You know how to unlock two glasses easily. It's a simple trick to separate two stuck glasses.

The temperature difference between the inside and the outside allows the 2 glasses to peel off effortlessly.

And this trick also works for bowls or other glass containers that you have inadvertently nested and which refuse to come loose.

And it also works to remove a glass stuck in a cup.

Your turn...

Did you try that grandmother's trick to take off two stuck glasses? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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