How To Soften Cuticles With White Vinegar (My Beautician's Secret).

Want to regrow your cuticles?

No need to make an appointment with the manicurist!

Or buy nail polish.

My beautician friend told me her technique to soften her cuticles and push them back easily.

The trick is to dip your nails in white vinegar for 5 min. Look, it's very simple:

white vinegar poured into a bowl to soften the cuticles

How to do

1. Take a small bowl.

2. Pour a little white vinegar in it.

3. Dip your fingers into the bowl.

4. Let them soak for 5 min.

5. Remove them and wipe them dry.


There you go, your cuticles are now all soft :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

And you don't even have to buy a chemical emollient!

You can now repel them very easily with a small wooden stick to have fairy hands!

All you have to do is start over with the other hand before applying your nail polish to enhance your hands.

And don't worry, the vinegar smell will go away after a few seconds.

Bonus tip

In addition, this grandmother's trick is particularly effective and practical for softening the cuticles of toenails.

In this case, just pour the white vinegar into a small basin and immerse your toes in it for 5 minutes!

Your turn...

Have you tried this homemade cuticle softening trick? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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