The Benefits of Bentonite Clay That NOBODY Knows About.

The benefits of bentonite clay have been largely overlooked in recent decades.

Yet many ancient cultures have used this clay throughout history, especially for its nutrients.

But recently, bentonite clay has regained popularity, particularly thanks to internal and external detoxification uses, and with good reason.

Why ? Because thanks to its many properties, they help the body to get rid of toxins.

the benefits of bentonite clay

What is bentonite clay?

Bentonite is also called montmorillonite. This is one of the healing clays the most efficient and powerful.

It can be used externally as a clay poultice, mud or in a bath. It is used in many skin care recipes.

To recognize a good quality bentonite clay, just look at its color. Good quality bentonite should be a gray / cream color. And anything that approaches pure white is suspect.

Bentonite is also very fine. It has a velvety feel, is odorless and does not stain.

It is made up of old volcanic ash. Its name comes from the largest known deposit of bentonite located at Fort Benton in Wyoming in the United States. Other deposits are found in Texas and Utah.

What is bentonite used for?

bentonite clay in water

Bentonite is a unique clay due to its ability to produce an "electrical charge" when hydrated. When in contact with a fluid, its electrical components change, giving it the ability to absorb toxins.

It is thus known for its ability to absorb and eliminate toxins, heavy metals, impurities and chemicals.

According to specialists, "Bentonite is a clay that swells quickly. When it mixes with water, it acts like a very porous sponge. This is when toxins are attracted by electrical attraction. Once in this kind of sponge, they are inseparable. "

Bentonite clay carries a strong negative charge that binds to the positive charge found in many toxins. When it comes into contact with a toxin, whether chemical or heavy metals, the clay will absorb the toxin.

It releases its minerals in the body which can then benefit from them. Bentonite also helps supply cells with oxygen. Because it absorbs excess hydrogen and thus allows cells to replace it with oxygen.

Bentonite clay is an ingredient often found in detox and cleansing products. When taken correctly, it has an alkalizing effect on the body. It can help the bacteria in the gut to maintain a good balance.

What are the benefits of bentonite clay?

benefits of bentonite clay

The health benefits of bentonite clay are manifold. In particular, it allows:

- to fight against digestive disorders such as acid reflux, constipation, bloating, gas, etc. Be aware that kaolin clay was a common ingredient in medicines like Maalox and Rolaids at the time.

It also allows:

- improve skin problems and allergies

- to supply the body with minerals

- accelerate healing in case of vomiting and diarrhea

- to detoxify the body

- to make oral care preparations

- to cure a large number of skin problems.

Bentonite clay has a high concentration of minerals, including silica, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron and potassium.

Dr Weston A Price, in his book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" reported that several indigenous cultures, especially in the Andes, Central Africa and Australia used to consume clay in different ways.

Most often, the dried clay was transported in the form of small balls in bags. It was dissolved in small amounts in water at mealtimes to prevent poisoning.

In a study conducted by Arizona State University in the United States, bentonite clay was shown to be very effective in killing MRSA as well as salmonella, E.Coli, and other bacteria. .

What looks particularly promising in further research in this area is how the clay kills the infection. It seems that no resistance can be developed by MRSA or other bacteria, as is the case with antibiotics.

How to use bentonite clay?

bentonite clay mask and poultice

Bentonite clay is an essential ingredient in my home remedies.

I use it regularly for myself, my husband and my children, in internal and external uses, to solve various health concerns.

Now let's find out all the uses of bentonite clay:

On the skin

Externally, I apply a paste made from bentonite clay and water to any form of skin irritation.

It could be small blemishes, insect bites, cuts, itchy spots or burns.

I leave until it is dry and I rinse it off. Its action is known to be particularly soothing for itchy skin caused by eczema, psoriasis, chickenpox, etc.

As a poultice

bentonite clay poultice for minor ailments

Bentonite clay also works very well in poultices for the skin. Especially for bites, burns and cuts.

For this, I make a poultice by putting a thick layer of clay on the skin on which I apply a gauze or a damp cloth.

I wrap the area and let the poultice act. I change it every 2 hours.

As a face mask

bentonite clay face mask

To have smooth and healthy facial skin, I make a paste with the bentonite and water. I apply it to my face like a mask.

Note that this type of mask is used in many spas (overpriced!). At home, it is the same efficiency but much less expensive.

For this clay mask to be effective, I leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse it off. I usually do this once or twice a week.

For oily hair

Bentonite clay removes sebum from oily hair. It gives them suppleness and shine. To achieve this result, simply mix 2 tablespoons of clay in 1/2 cup of water, rose water or lavender.

Leave to rest for 1 hour. Then apply the paste to the hairline. Rub gently. Leave on for 20 min. Then spread over the entire length of the hair.

Wait 10 min. Then rinse thoroughly. Make a conditioner to soften your hair.

In a detox bath

For detox and relaxation action, I add about 1/4 cup of bentonite to my bath.

In addition, this bentonite clay bath softens the skin, it's super pleasant.

As toothpaste

Because of its excellent ability to absorb heavy metals and toxins and also because it provides minerals, I mix bentonite clay into my homemade powdered toothpaste.

It can even be used on its own for brushing. It is tasteless and without any particular consistency.

In mouthwash

Bentonite clay also has the power to whiten and remineralize teeth.

In addition to using it in my toothpaste powder, I mix the bentonite with water to make it an alkalizing and anti-toxin mouthwash.

For this, I mix 1/2 teaspoon of clay in 1/4 cup of water in a small glass jar with a plastic lid. I shake well.

Then I rinse my mouth with it for 1 to 2 minutes. I repeat the operation until I have used everything.

Against mastitis

To cure mastitis, here is my home remedy. I make a poultice or mask of bentonite and water.

I apply it around the painful area. I start again, every hour if necessary until the infection disappears.

When infected, I also take it internally along with vitamin C and fermented cod liver oil.

Baby powder

Bentonite clay is a soothing baby powder. It can be used when there is irritation or redness.

It can also be made into a mask to help speed healing in the irritated area.

Against morning sickness

During the 1st trimester of my pregnancy, I took a 1/2 teaspoon of bentonite in water. Why ? Because it allowed me to ward off morning sickness.

It really helped me cope with the nausea and feel better every day. When I saw my midwife, she told me it was good to have taken it.

However, ask your doctor or health care professional for permission before using this remedy during pregnancy.

By internal purifying

To improve digestion, I drink a cup of water with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of bentonite almost every day.

I mix the 2 in a glass jar with a plastic lid and shake to mix it well.

It helps digestion and I also feel like it gives me more energy during the day.

I have also noticed that my nails and hair are growing faster.

For animals

For sick animals that are vomiting or showing signs of illness, you can add bentonite to their water.

You can also mix it with water and give it by mouth with a dropper or needle-less syringe.

I have seen several instances where this has helped animals recover quickly from illnesses that could have had serious consequences.

Although I personally didn't need it, I have read that bentonite and other healing clays are used internally to help reduce radiation exposure in alternative cancer treatments.

It is also said to help eliminate parasites, although I haven't tried it personally.

Where to get bentonite clay?

For external use, I get it here: it's still a natural and inexpensive remedy.

But it is often found in organic stores, pharmacies or stores specializing in dietetics.

You can also get clay here.

In all cases, for internal use, make sure that the clay you take is labeled "safe for internal use".

Precautions to take

Do not allow bentonite clay to come in contact with anything metal. Because that would reduce its effectiveness.

I always mix it with water in a glass jar with a plastic lid, shaking well or using a plastic whisk.

If you are taking it internally, do not eat anything for at least an hour after taking it for best results.

And don't take any medications or supplements for 2 hours as they may reduce how well it works.

Of course, always check with your doctor if you have any medical restrictions before using it.

Your turn...

Have you ever tried bentonite clay as a home remedy? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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