The 15 Surprising Uses of Coca-Cola.

If you still think Coca-Cola is just a refreshing drink, this tip is for you.

Here are 15 Clever Uses of Coke that very few people know about and yet are very helpful.

As a stripper, to clean tin or as a detergent ...

Here are 15 reasons to use Coke more for household maintenance and cleaning than to quench your thirst. After seeing that, we don't want to drink it ...

1. Against grease stains on clothes

remove grease stain from clothes with coca cola

As surprising as it may sound, Coca-Cola is a powerful detergent for getting rid of a nasty grease stain on clothing. The whole trick is here.

2. To clean your bumper

How to strip bumpers with coke

Incredible, right? Coke is a miracle stripper. Nothing like cleaning a metal bumper. Learn more here.

3. Against mosquitoes

nifty mosquito trap with a bottle of coke

In 30 seconds, you have made a very effective mosquito and fly trap. Check out the whole trick here.

4. Against jellyfish

the cola alleviates the pain of jellyfish stings

We are generally advised to pour vinegar on a jellyfish sting. But at the beach it is often easier to find Coke than vinegar.

Find out here why Coke helps relieve the pain of jellyfish sting.

5. To unscrew a rusty bolt

Loosen a bolt and a screw with Coke

Rust stuck screw and nut together? No need to force. Easily loosen them with Coke. Click here to find out why it works.

6. To clean the toilets

clean the toilets with cola

Yes, Coke is good for your toilet. To descale them, it is a really economical product.

Find out here why we advise you to throw your Coke in the toilet.

7. To soothe the headache

headache ? Coca cola is an amazing remedy

Headache, hangover ... A glass of Coke can do you good.

One of the rare times when you will be advised to drink Coke. Find out more here.

8. To get rid of rats

eliminate rats with cola

Party the rodents with Coke. A clever trap to eliminate them.

How Can Coke Kill Rats? Find out here.

9. To make copper shine

polish your brass with coca to regain its shine

Have your brass instruments lost their luster over the years? Revive their shine with a microfiber cloth and Coke, it's immediate. Discover the trick here.

10. To recover a burnt pan or pan

clean and recover a pot or pan burnt with Coca Cola

No more frying pans or pots that stick and that you no longer want to cook with. Click here to see the tip.

11. Against blood stains

Coca Cola is an effective stain remover for removing blood stains from fabric or clothing

Coke is a great stain remover before washing. It will get rid of the toughest bloodstains. See the tip here.

12. To strip chrome

Remove rust from chrome with cola and aluminum foil

In 10 seconds flat, you will strip off the rust and your chrome will be shiny and like new. A little video shows you the trick here.

13. To clean the windshield

use coke to wash your windshield and remove dirt and insects

Have you been on the road? Coke removes dirt and insects in the blink of an eye. No more rubbing for nothing! The trick is here.

14. To aid digestion

stomach pain coca cola facilitates digestion

Coke can dissolve foods that your stomach has trouble digesting on its own. So if it doesn't pass, a drink (1 only) won't hurt. See the tip here.

15. To strip your iron tools

Pouring Coke On Your Rusty Tool

Coke is really corrosive. We prove it with this trick.

Let a rusty tool soak in Coke for 24 hours and admire the result!

You will understand, Coca-Cola is a great stripper.

Fortunately our stomach digests it faster than that ...

You now know everything you can do with Coke. The uses of Coke on a daily basis are multiple.

But its virtues for the body are very limited, however, as explained here. To consume with moderation !

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Also to discover:

3 Health Dangers of Coca Cola: Ignore Them at Your Own Risk.

How to Get Rid of Rats? Use Coca-Cola As A Powerful Deratizer.

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