The Magic Trick To Catch Up On A Dish Too Salty.

Your hand was too heavy and bang! Is your dish too salty?

Wondering how to remove that overflow of salt?

Do not panic ! You don't have to throw away your whole meal ;-)

Fortunately, my grandmother had a magic trick to remove salt.

The easy way to correct your recipe is to use a potato. You will see, it is super efficient.

to sweeten a dish that is too salty put a raw potato in it for 15 min

How to do

1. Scoop up most of the salt with a teaspoon, if you can.

2. Peel a potato.

3. Dip it in your dish right in the middle.

4. Let your dish brown for 10 or 15 minutes with the potato inside.


And there you have it, your dish is now desalted :-)

You will be able to enjoy yourself! This little grandmother's trick will make your dish less salty and save it.

The potato will miraculously soak up the overflow of salt in your small dish. Everything will become digestible again. And it works for any dish, even risottos or a sauce!

You now know how to reduce the salt in a dish. It's still better like that, isn't it?

Your turn...

And you, did you know this trick to sweeten your too salty dish? Tell me in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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