The Most Amazing Tip To Whiten Your Teeth Effectively.

Have you ever been advised to rub your teeth with a piece of charcoal?

Do you find that weird? And yet it works!

Charcoal straight from the fire or from a barbecue can effectively whiten teeth.

Rub your teeth that have yellowed with a piece of charcoal to erase this tint and find a bright smile.

Use a piece of charcoal to rub the teeth that have turned yellow. Find white teeth and a bright smile

How to do

1. Reduce the piece of charcoal to powder.

2. Apply this powder to the teeth with your toothbrush and scrub.

3. Rinse your mouth.

4. Brush your teeth with your usual toothpaste.


And there you have it, your teeth are now white :-)

Your smile is radiant again and all naturally. You don't even have to buy a whitening toothpaste!

Bonus tip

You can use the piece of charcoal and rub it directly on your teeth (and especially not on your gums). This is another nifty method to whiten your teeth with charcoal!

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's tip for teeth whitening? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Best Tip For Getting White Teeth Naturally.

The Little Things To Do To Keep Teeth White Longer.

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