How to get rid of the smell of pee in the toilet (Definitely).

Fed up with urine odors in the toilet?

If you, too, have boys at home, you know exactly what I'm talking about!

I'm talking about the permanent smell of pee in the toilet even after cleaning!

Fortunately, after trying everything, I found a trick that worked really well.

With this trick, not only do you have a clean toilet, but it also smells great!

Then if a smell of pee is embedded in your toilet, immediately use this simple and effective trick. Look :

Recipe for making a paste against pee odors with baking soda, lemon and white vinegar

What you need

- baking soda

- lemon juice

- White vinegar

- household gloves

- old toothbrush

- sponge

How to do

1. Squeeze a lemon and pour the juice into a container.

2. Add baking soda to make a thick, non-liquid paste.

Homemade deodorant paste against bad odors in toilets

3. Put on your pair of household gloves.

4. Spread the paste wherever there could be urine projections: toilet seat, seat, hinges, seals, tank, bowl and bottom of the bowl, under the rims of the bowl or at the foot of the toilet.

5. Leave the cleansing paste on for 15 minutes.

6. Meanwhile, put some paste on a sponge.

7. Clean all areas around the toilet with the sponge: walls, cupboards, sink and tub.

8. Now take the old toothbrush and pour white vinegar over it.

9. Rub all the places where you have put the paste, adding white vinegar from time to time on it.

A trick to remove bad odors in the toilet with a baking soda and lemon paste

10. Once you've scrubbed well, wipe with a clean, damp sponge.


A packet of baking soda, a bottle of white vinegar, a lemon and a toothbrush to clean the smell of pee in the toilet

And there you have it, thanks to this deep cleaning, you have definitively eliminated the smell of pee in the toilets :-)

Your toilets are now nickel chrome and in addition they smell good naturally!

No more bad odors in the toilets and your toilets are sparkling clean!

It's amazing how far there can be traces of pee. So do not leave any wall or tiles around the toilet unwashed!

Bonus tip

Also remember to clean the toilet tank. Why ? Because the unpleasant smell of urine can also become embedded in the tank.

To do this, remove the toilet tank cover and pour 150 ml of vinegar into the water and leave to act for at least 1 hour or overnight.

And if there is limestone encrusted at the bottom of the toilet, you can use a pumice stone to remove it.

Additional advice

Remove the smell of pee from the toilet with a paste made with baking soda, lemon and white vinegar

- Know that the baking soda and lemon juice foam when they are put in contact. Add baking soda until you get the desired consistency. The fizzing quickly ceases.

- For a complete cleaning, you can completely remove the toilet seat from the bowl. You will be surprised to see everything we find below. Yuck!

- If the toilet is next to a bathtub with a shower curtain, unhook the curtain and wash it in the washing machine. Remember to add 100ml of white vinegar to the last rinse cycle to clean it thoroughly.

- You can do this big cleaning once a month or every 2 weeks as needed.

- Between 2 big cleanings, you can use this trick to clean the toilet.

- Your homemade toilet cleaner is 100% natural: it is compatible with septic tanks.

- This cleaning paste does not keep for long so do not use large quantities. However, you can always squeeze the juice from several lemons. Then pour it into an ice cube tray and put it in the freezer as explained here. That way, all you have to do is take out some ice cubes of lemon juice and let them thaw in a jar.

- You can use lime, bottled lemon juice or lemon essential oil instead of lemon juice.

- You can add a few drops of orange essential oil to the toilet tank to keep a good fresh smell for longer.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick for eliminating the smell of urine in the toilet? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How to get rid of the smell of pee in your toilet.

How to Get Rid of Urine Odor in Toilets (And Make It Smell Clean).

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