The 4 Natural Ingredients to Boost Your Libido.

Aphrodisiacs have long been a myth for me, fueling the fantasies of great lovers.

Since I have studied the benefits of food on our health, I am convinced: "aphrodisiacs, we must take advantage!".

Here are 4 delicious ingredients to be at the top of your libido ... and it's scientifically proven!

1. Oysters

oysters to boost your libido

No need to wait for Christmas to abuseoysters, rich in vitamin C and iodine, to stimulate my hormonal production and regain Olympic form.

In summer, I use the seaside vacation to enjoy fresh seafood.

2. Dark chocolate

Every day and throughout the year, I do not hesitate to indulge myself with one or two squares of dark chocolate, an ingredient known for its euphoric and anti-depression effect. To be happy is better to be lively!

3. Ginger

ginger to boost libido

To strengthen my whole body and my immune system, I put ginger everywhere. Its taste is quite particular, but in my cakes or in my savory dishes, this ingredient has made a name for itself!

4. Ginseng

To fill up with vitamin B and increase my intellectual capacities (libido is not just bodily) and physical, a little ginseng treatment every semester and the love potion is updated!


There you go, you now know how to naturally boost your libido :-)

Be careful though, too many aphrodisiacs can be dangerous, prefer love!

Hygiene of life is still to be respected. Eating well, practicing a regular sporting activity, indulging in moments of relaxation and relaxation are also guarantees of a top libido.

Your turn...

And if you have any advice on that, take advantage of the comments to share it with us.

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12 Reasons You Should Have Love Every Day. Don't Miss # 12!

The 10 Benefits of Ginger That You Absolutely Must Know.

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