11 Benefits of Green Tea You Didn't Know About.

I am a heavy drinker of green tea.

The main reason I drink so much is because I have always heard that it is good for you.

Recently a friend even told me that green tea is a great way to lose weight!

This prompted me to research the benefits of green tea, which is so often talked about.


Why green tea?

Green tea has been known for its medicinal benefits for millennia.

Its origins can be found in China. But it is consumed throughout Asia for its many virtues.

It is a drink that has many uses, ranging from lowering blood pressure to treating cancer.

How about black tea, then? Good question, because both come from the same plant: the tea plant!

The difference between black tea and green tea is in the processing of the leaves. Black tea is made in such a way that there is a fermentation of the leaves.

On the contrary, green tea is processed to prevent this fermentation. The result is that green tea preserves its natural levels of antioxidants, in the form of polyphenols.

It is these antioxidants that will give green tea its natural benefits.

Here is a list of the surprising health benefits of green tea - health benefits you might not know about.

These are benefits that are still debated, so do your own research if you are going to consume green tea for medicinal purposes.

1. Weight loss

Surely you've heard of metabolism. This is the process by which our body burns calories. However, green tea increases our metabolism.

The polyphenols in green tea will intensify the oxidation of fat. They will also convert our food into calories.

2. Diabetes

Green tea could help control diabetes. It works as a regulator of our glucose levels after meals. As a result, it prevents insulin spikes and fat build-up.

3. Cardiovascular diseases

Medical researchers believe that green tea acts on the lining of blood vessels. It helps them stay more flexible and better resist changes in blood pressure. In addition, the tea could prevent blood clotting, the main cause of heart attacks!

4. Esophageal cancer

Green tea reduces the risk of esophageal cancer. Many researchers believe that green tea is able to kill cancer cells. In addition, it would work without damaging the healthy cells around the cancer.

5. Cholesterol

Doctors distinguish between good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). Green tea reduces bad cholesterol. In addition, it improves the good cholesterol / bad cholesterol ratio.

6. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases

Researchers have found that green tea delays the deterioration caused by Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Research on mice indicates that green tea protects and repairs neurons.

7. Dental caries

Green tea contains a powerful antioxidant, catechin. Several studies suggest that catechin can kill bacteria and viruses that cause pharyngitis and tooth decay.

8. Blood pressure

Drinking green tea regularly would reduce the risk of blood pressure.

9. Depression

Theanine is an amino acid found in tea. It is a substance that has a calming and calming effect - an added benefit for tea drinkers!

10. Antiviral and antibiotic

Catechin also has antiviral and antibiotic properties, which makes green tea a very effective treatment. Indeed, research indicates that green tea slows the spread of many diseases, from the flu to cancer!

11. For the skin

Green tea is also said to be good for fighting wrinkles and aging of the skin. Indeed, green tea is an antioxidant which would also act as an anti-inflammatory. According to several studies, the local use of tea also protects the skin from sunburn.

Amounts to drink

OK, you are convinced about the benefits of this miracle drink. Now the important question - how many cups should you drink per day? The research is not unanimous.

Most recommend drinking 2 to 5 cups of tea per day. On the other hand, note that tea contains theine! If you react badly to theine, be sure to limit yourself to 1 cup per day.

Be careful, tea also contains tannin. Since tannin can reduce the absorption of iron and folic acid, it is best to avoid it if you are trying to get pregnant (or already are)!

Finally, you can also try mixing green tea with other surprisingly good ingredients, like ginger for example.

Here, to look closely at these virtues, one could wonder why one would drink anything other than green tea! :-)

Where can you find quality green tea?

If you are looking for good quality green tea, I recommend this one.

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What are the Benefits of Green Tea?

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