Tarnished marble? How To Restore It All Its Shine Easily.

Despite the fact that it appears resistant, marble is fragile.

It is a material that tarnishes over time.

So which product to use to wash it without damaging it?

No need to buy overpriced chemicals!

Yes, there is a homemade recipe to maintain and give a boost to marble.

The trick is to clean with a paste of soda crystals and Meudon white. Look :

how to clean and shine marble

What you need

- white Meudon

- soda crystals

How to do

1. Put on gloves before preparing this cleaning paste.

2. In a basin, put two parts of Blanc de Meudon.

3. Add a part of soda crystals.

4. Pour two parts water into it.

5. Mix everything to form a paste.

6. Spread this paste on the marble in a thick layer.

7. Leave on for 1 hour.

8. Wipe everything down with a clean, dry cloth.


And There you go ! The marble has regained all its shine and shine :-)

To keep marble in all its splendor, consider giving it this treatment regularly when it begins to darken.

Marble is very fragile, never clean it with white vinegar, lemon or products like bleach.

This tip can be used for interior or exterior marble, just adapt the quantities.

To note : do not use soda crystals on aluminum or chestnut, oak wood surfaces.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick for cleaning and maintaining marble? Tell us in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Ultimate Tip for Cleaning Marble Stains.

La Terre de Sommières: The Magic Trick To Remove Grease Stains From Granite And Marble.

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