11 Miracle Hangover Cures.

Nothing worse than a day after being drunk.

Headache, nausea and stomachache: this is the fatal combination that can really ruin you all day.

There are several preventive tips to avoid a hangover (aspirin, a good meal, drink plenty of water before going to bed, etc.).

But, these solutions are far from infallible.

So it's inevitable: you are going to be the victim of a nasty hangover. And, it will have to be eliminated as soon as possible, before it completely ruins your day.

So, discover 11 miracle hangover cures and say “Goodbye” to your pain.

natural remedies to fight hangovers

1. Ginger

Use ginger for your hangover.

Ginger is known for its many virtues on the digestive system.

It alleviates nausea by rebalancing gastric fluids. To relieve the digestive system, it can be consumed with sushi, as an infusion, or by drinking ginger juice mixed with water.

Ginger is a powerful antioxidant and blood thinner, which can work wonders. On the other hand, do not especially consume raw ginger on an empty stomach: it must be combined with another food.

2. Honey

Try honey for your hangover.

Honey is an exceptional antioxidant, with a high content of fructose and glucose.

In Poland there is a weird hangover cure. It consists of drinking a mixture of honey and pickle juice. This sweet and savory beverage fights hangover dehydration.

But drinking pickle juice isn't to everyone's taste, is it? If so, you can simply take 2 tablespoons of this precious bee nectar, and enjoy its regenerative benefits.

3. The prickly pear

The prickly pear will eliminate your hangover.

For alcohol lovers in the middle of the desert, prefer the prickly pear to say goodbye to your difficult tomorrow.

Prickly pear extract helps reduce nausea, lack of appetite, and dry mouth (that unpleasant feeling of a mushy mouth).

4. Eggs

Eggs will help you beat your hangover.

Oh yes, the eggs!

Eggs contain cysteine. This miraculous amino acid destroys ethanal, a toxin produced by the oxidation of ethanol.

It is precisely ethanal that causes hangovers - and eggs speed up the breakdown of this toxin.

Bottom Line: Even when breakfast doesn't tempt you more than that, remember that scrambling eggs is also scrambling your hangover.

To discover : 7 Reasons Why You Should Eat Breakfast Eggs.

5. The Coke

Use cola for hangovers.

At comment-d'économie.fr, we are not a big fan of Coke. But sometimes you have to know how to give back to Caesar what is due to Caesar. Coke can work wonders for indigestion.

Some even claim that it was invented to cure hangovers. We really don't know. But whether it's a simple stomach ache or the day after a too drunken party, a cool Coke will do you good. We have to admit it.

6. A fat breakfast

Have you heard of a very fat breakfast?

Try to eat a breakfast that is salty and full of fat: bacon, omelets with cheese, pancakes, French toast, etc.

Highly fatty foods stick to the walls of your alcoholic stomach. Fat helps slow down the process of absorbing alcohol.

Of course, this is not the kind of meal after which you feel light. But at least it'll be less painful than a hangover, and a lot easier to deal with.

It is therefore best to end your watered evening with a very fatty meal: it is really an effective prevention against hangovers. If you miss this prevention opportunity, catch up on some bacon when you wake up.

7. Gatorade + banana

The gatorade and the banana will help to overcome the hangover.

Here is another drink that we are not very fan of but which has proven itself in anti-hangover technique.

Gatorade is a sports energy drink that contains minerals - electrolytes.

Electrolytes, that's what will help you. After a night of drinking, your body is dehydrated. Drinking lots of water is a solution, of course. But a regular supply of electrolytes will rehydrate you more quickly.

Your body will also need vitamin B and potassium. Indeed, alcohol lowers the level of vitamins B6 and B12. The banana will calm an upset stomach and help your metabolism to eliminate alcohol.

To discover : The Amazing Tip To Relieve A Headache WITHOUT Medication.

8. A "Bloody Mary" cocktail

A Bloody Mary against a hangover: fight fire with fire.

It's a day after a party. Your headache has reached an unbearable level. The evil alcohol mixes from the night before are wading through your poor belly. To drink alcohol ? It really seems like the worst thing to do.

Well, imagine that a "Bloody Mary" can help you raise the bar. Indeed, it can serve as both a breakfast and a hangover remedy.

The option is even more interesting if the idea of ​​eating anything seems completely impossible to you. Plus, tomato juice helps your body absorb alcohol faster.

9. The pho soup

Try the Pho soup for hangovers.

This traditional Vietnamese soup is made from broth, noodles, and meat (beef, chicken, tripe). Pho soup has several benefits: it hydrates the body and lines the digestive system with a good layer of nutrients, exfoliants and anti-toxin spices.

Warning : do not overdo the chili sauce that accompanies this dish. Normally, having plenty of Sriracha with your pho is a great idea.

On the other hand, when your stomach is weakened by an alcoholic evening, it is better to consume it in moderation.

Tablespoon and chopsticks in hand, it is wiser to favor lime, basil, Hoisin sauce, cilantro, onions and bean sprouts.

10. Pad Thai

Pad Thai, a friend in hangover times.

Here is another remedy that takes advantage of the soothing properties of rice noodles. Pad Thai fills that hollow in your belly with a good mix: noodles, eggs, tamarind juice, and foods high in protein (shrimp, chicken or tofu).

We don't quite understand the scientific explanation behind it. But what I can tell you is that it is effective against hangovers.

11. The matza ball soup

Matzo Soup is the best of the best for a difficult tomorrow.

The healing properties of matza dumplings (azyme bread) have been documented throughout history.

Nicknamed “Jewish penicillin,” matza dumpling soup can eliminate a hangover and soothe red eyes.

If you do not yet know matza soup and its benefits, it is high time to give it a try. In addition, it is the best “comfort food” ever invented!

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My 11 Natural Headache Tips Tried & Trusted.

7 Surprising Remedies to Treat Your Hangover.

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