Use This Magic Board To Save 1000 € From This Year!

How about being able to save € 1,000 starting this year?

Could be great for tackling year-end expenses, right?

Between gifts for children and meals to organize, we spend a fortune ...

Fortunately, this magic board will help you save 1000 € easilywithout having to tighten your belt!

This method is simply phe-no-me-nal! I first tested it 3 years ago, and have been doing it every year since.

That means € 1,000 more in my pocket every year. Isn't that beautiful? Look :

How can you save € 1,000 EVERY YEAR? Here is the EASY challenge that you can print out.

Click here to print this table in PDF format.

How to do

You will see, this challenge to save 1000 € in a single year is easy to achieve and very simple to set up. Here is the principle:

- First, click here to print the table easily.

- Week 1: choose an amount to save and cross out the corresponding box.

- Week 2: choose a new amount to save and cross out the corresponding box.

- Week 3: choose a new amount to save and cross out the corresponding box.

- And so on, every week of the year.


And there you have it, crossing out a square each week on this board, you will have saved 1,000 € by the end of the year :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

This guide has everything it takes to get motivated: a challenge, a handy printable chart, and long enough time for anyone to pull it off.

And all that in one picture. Awesome, isn't it?

The best thing to do is hang the picture on your fridge or in a prominent place at home.

Like that, you see it every day and you can cross the boxes with a big red marker.

Why does it work?

Don't worry, this method to save 1000 euros always works! Here's why :

1. Because the table is VISUAL. By having this guide in front of you, you dramatically increase your chances of saving money each week.

2. Because the method is SOFT. Along with the other challenges, the amounts to be saved increase as the weeks go by. This increase can make the challenge too difficult. But not here! Because each week, you choose how much to save.

3. Because the principle is ULTRA-SIMPLE. Choose a box. Put the amount in a coin holder. And cross the box. Fastoche.

4. Because the challenge is REALLY DOABLE. Look at your account statements and I'm sure you'll find some unnecessary little expenses there that match. exactly to boxes that you can cross off on the board.

5. Because the table has A CASE JOKER. Yes, the table even has a box marked "0 €"! This means that if you want to take a break for a week, you can! Not bad for a challenge where you win € 1,000 at the end of the year, right?

6. And finally, because THIS CHALLENGE IS FUN, especially if you are doing it with a friend! So print out this board and give it to your best friend. That way, you can do this challenge together and it will be even more motivating. At the end of the year, you can even organize a party to count your loot.

Additional advice

As soon as you "find" money, put it in your pocketbook challenge € 1,000.

For example, change found in the back of a pocket, or even a coin picked up on the street.

It also includes money saved from sales or a promo you took in in a store.

Put all that "found" money in the money box challenge € 1,000, then cross out the amount corresponding to one of the boxes in the table.

Your turn...

Have you tried this table to set aside $ 1,000 in a single year? Tell us in the comments if it was effective. We can't wait to hear from you!

Do you like this trick ? Share it with your friends on Facebook.

Also to discover:

Take the Challenge For 2019: 52 Weeks Savings.

How I Saved € 10,000 in 10 Months (With a Graduate Salary).

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