5 Ways To Waste Your Life (Without Even Realizing It).

Life is not a long quiet river...

It happens to everyone not to finish their studies, to be unemployed ...

... not having a family yet, or not earning enough money.

And you have to understand that no one will blame you if that is the case.

You have the right to go back. You have the right to choose what inspires you.

You have time, and I think we forget that too often.

5 Ways To Waste Your Life Without Realizing It.

You study after leaving high school because the right thing to do is go straight to university.

Even if we don't like the program, we choose a job when we leave university simply because we have invested time in it.

Every morning, we go to this job because we believe that we need to buy a lot of "useless" stuff just to exist.

We go from step to step, thinking that we tick all the boxes of the "checklist" of life, but one day we wake up depressed ...

We feel under pressure and we don't know why. This is exactly how you waste your life.

here is 5 ways to waste your life without even realizing it:

1. You waste your life choosing the wrong person

Why do we need to end a relationship quickly?

Why does the idea of ​​existing for someone else rather than for oneself appeal to us so much?

Believe me when I say that a love that is born out of ease, that flourishes from the need to sleep next to someone, that fulfills our need for attention rather than passion, is a love that will not inspire you. not very long.

Strive to discover genuine love.

Find the relationship that inspires you to be a better man or woman.

Look for privacy that is rare rather than the one you just have on hand.

“But I don't want to be alone,” people often exclaim.

Be alone. Eat alone, do activities alone, sleep alone.

And in the midst of it all, you'll get to know each other.

You will grow by discovering what inspires you.

You will take care of your own dreams and beliefs, with amazing clarity.

And when you meet the person who makes you tick, you will be sure of it, because you will be sure of yourself.

Wait for her.

I implore you to wait for her, to fight for her, to make an effort for her if you have already found her, because it is the most beautiful thing that your heart can experience.

2. You waste your life by letting the past control you

Some things happen to everyone in life: heartache, confusion, days when you don't feel very special or useful.

Obviously, there are moments, words that we do not forget.

But you can't let them define you - these are just moments, only words!

If you let every negative event in your life dictate how you see yourself, you will have a negative view of the world around you.

You will miss out on career opportunities because you missed a promotion 5 years ago, and in the meantime you have convinced yourself that you weren't smart enough to get one.

You're going to miss out on romantic relationships because you're convinced that your old love left you because you weren't good enough.

And today, you doubt the man or the woman who makes you believe you are.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy that bites its tail.

If you don't allow yourself to go beyond what happened, what was said, what was felt, you will look at your future through this filter, and nothing will be able to break your judgment ...

You will continue to justify, relive and fuel a perception that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

3. You waste your life when you compare yourself to others

The number of Instagram followers you have neither decreases nor increases your value.

The amount of money in your bank account does not influence your compassion, intelligence, or happiness.

The person who has twice as much wealth as you does not have double the happiness or double the merit.

We let ourselves be trapped by what our friends "like" on Instagram and Facebook.

Not only does it spoil our life, but it also destroys us psychologically.

Why ? Because it creates in us this need to feel important.

And unfortunately, to achieve this, we often put others down.

4. You waste your life by becoming callous

We're all afraid to say too much, to feel too deeply, to let people know what they mean to us.

But caring about others is not synonymous with madness.

Expressing to someone how special they are to you will leave you vulnerable. It's undeniable.

Still, there is nothing to be ashamed of. There is something incredibly beautiful about those little moments of magic that happen when you strip yourself naked being honest with those who matter to you.

Let this girl know what inspires you.

Tell your mom you love her in front of your friends.

Express your feelings and don't stop!

Open up, don't get tough on the world, and be bold in choosing who and how you like.

This is all a beautiful act of courage.

5. You're wasting your life with things you shouldn't put up with

In fact, we should all be happy to just be alive.

But when you settle for too little for what you really want, you destroy all the potential that is in you.

You don't have to settle for the minimum. It's just a choice you make every day.

If you feel like you are treading water, chances are you are tolerating things that you shouldn't.

Thus, you are robbing both yourself and the world of your potential.

The next Michelangelo might be as I speak to you on his computer making bills for paper clips just because it makes money or just because he can tolerate it.

Don't let this kind of situation happen to you.

Don't waste your life this way.

Life and work, and life and love, are not independent of each other.

They are intrinsically linked.

Strive to have an extraordinary job, strive to find extraordinary love.

Only in this way will we be able to profit of an extraordinarily happy life.

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