A Pediatrician's Miracle Trick To Calm A Crying Baby In 30 Seconds.

Need a tip to calm your crying baby?

Robert Hamilton is an American pediatrician who has 30 years of experience with babies.

He revealed an incredible technique for calming a newborn baby who is crying for no apparent reason.

This trick is very simple. It consists of carrying and rocking the baby in a certain way to soothe him instantly.

Watch the video and the explanations in French below :

How to do

Tips for calming a baby who is crying quickly

1. Take the baby in your arms.

2. Cross the baby's arms comfortably over his chest.

3. Place your hand under his folded arms to hold them securely.

4. Fold your thumb and forefinger to support the baby's chin.

5. Place the other hand on his bottom to gently carry it.

6. Lean the baby at an angle of about 45 degrees to prevent his head from tipping back.

7. Rock the baby gently using a gentle up and down motion or gently rocking his bottom from side to side.

8. Give a soft kiss on the baby's head :-)


There you go, your baby will stop crying in less than 30 seconds :-)

As you can see in the video, most babies love this technique and calm down in just a few seconds.

The pediatrician specifies that this method can be used to babies under 3 months old. Why ? Because afterwards, they become too heavy to carry in this position.

If this trick doesn't work to calm your toddler crying, it may be because your baby is sick or hungry.

Precautions to take

Warning : obviously all the movements you do with the baby should be as soft and tender as possible.

The goal is to make the movements as smooth as possible.

To support the baby's arms and chin, do not use your fingertips but the thickest part of your hands.

Hold the baby at a 45 degree angle with his head facing forward so as not to hurt him.

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Also to discover:

Moms Trick To Calm A Crying Baby.

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