Here's How I Easily Make My Home Scouring Cream.

Why buy scouring cream when you can make it at home?

It's much cheaper and what's more, it's natural.

And when it comes to efficiency, a homemade scouring cream has nothing to envy to commercial ones.

Depending on how I use it, I use 4 different recipes.

Don't worry, these recipes are super easy and quick to make.

If I can do them, so can you! Look :

Recipe n ° 1

homemade scouring cream recipe


- baking soda

- liquid black soap

- jar with a lid

How to do

In the jar, put ¼ cup of baking soda. Add 1 tablespoon of black soap.

If you don't have black soap, you can replace it with dish soap.

Mix the 2 products to obtain a fluid dough.

This recipe is perfect to clean the enamel of the bath, the sink and the washbasin.

Recipe n ° 2

the recipe for homemade scouring cream with meudn white and black soap


- Meudon white

- liquid black soap

- jar with a lid

How to do

Fill an empty jar 2/3 full with Blanc de Meudon. Put 1/3 of black soap.

Mix to obtain a creamy paste. Add a little white Meudon if it is too liquid or black soap if it is too thick.

This homemade scouring cream is awesome on the traces of limestone.

On the other hand, I do not advise you to use it on the windows of the shower, because the white traces left by the white of Meudon are difficult to remove.

Recipe n ° 3

homemade scouring cream recipe with clay, soda crystals, liquid soap and baking soda


- baking soda

- clay

- soda ash

- natural liquid soap

- jar with a lid

How to do

Put ½ glass of baking soda in an empty jar.

Add 2 tablespoons of clay. Then pour ¼ glass of soda crystals.

Mix. Then add ½ glass of natural liquid soap.

Mix again to obtain a homogeneous, creamy and thick paste.

This scouring cream is much more effective than a spray.

To use, put a dab of the scouring cream on a damp sponge or microfiber cloth.

Scrub heavily soiled areas. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse with clean water so as not to have white streaks.

This scouring cream is also particularly effective for stripping moldy joints.

To get your dirty joints back, put some scouring cream on a toothbrush. Rub with. Leave on for 10 min. Rinse.

Recipe n ° 4

homemade scouring cream recipe with baking soda, salt, liquid soap and essential oil


- 1 clean bottle of 500 ml

- fine salt

- baking soda

- natural liquid soap

How to do

Fill the bottle halfway with baking soda.

Add ¼ of salt. Put 1 tablespoon of liquid soap.

Add water to fill the bottle. Shake well before each use.

This homemade scouring cream is a very effective stripper.

Avoid using it on too fragile surfaces such as ceramic hobs or marble, but otherwise it's all good!

Additional advice

- To keep your homemade scouring cream for longer, just add 10 drops of lemon essential oil.

- And if it gets too hard because it has dried out, just add a little more water.

- These homemade scouring creams are very effective for cleaning all types of surfaces: enamel, stainless steel, ceramic, marble.

- In addition, they are multi-purpose: you can use them to wash your bathtub, your washbasin, your sink, the shower tray, your worktop or your fridge.

- They will be used to make shine the stove and the plates, the stains on tiling, to restore the joints of tiling, to clean the marks on the windows of the shower.

Your turn...

Have you tried these homemade scouring cream recipes? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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