How to Revive the Black of Cotton Clothing?

Your black cotton clothes dull and lighten.

"Special black" products are sometimes effective, but often expensive.

I have a solution that will amaze you, but works really great to keep your black clothes from turning gray.

To revive the black of my clothes, I wash them in beer.

I am sure you are amazed. But I assure you that I tried and the result blew me away.

beer revives the black colors of cotton clothes

How to do

1. Put your black cotton clothes in your washing machine.

2. Schedule your wash as usual.

3. When rinsing, add a glass of beer.


And there you have it, your black cotton clothes have regained their beautiful original color :-)

Simple, efficient and economical!

And if you want to make your own beer, here is my recipe.

Your turn...

Are you going to try my little trick? Will you tell me in the comments what you think?

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Also to discover:

The Magic Trick to Revive White Linen Turned Gray.

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