The Clay Mouthwash To Have WHITE TEETH Quickly.

White teeth like movie stars, we all dream of them!

Only here, it is often necessary to go through very expensive treatments at the dentist.

Not to mention the fact that the products used strip tooth enamel ...

Luckily, there is a tried and true trick to whitening teeth naturally by mouthwashing.

All you need is white clay and sea salt. Look :

The trick to having white teeth quickly with a clay mouthwash

What you need

- 1 tablespoon of white clay

- 1 tablespoon of unrefined sea salt

- glass of water

How to do

1. Put the clay in the glass of water.

2. Stir with a spoon to mix.

3. Take a sip in your mouth.

4. Pass the liquid all over your mouth for two minutes.

5. Spit the liquid back into the sink.

6. Repeat the operation until the end of the glass.

7. The next day, do the same thing but replacing the clay with sea salt.

8. Alternate clay and sea salt every other day for 3 weeks, then take a week break and repeat.


And There you go ! Thanks to these clay and salt mouthwashes, your teeth will whiten quickly :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

No more yellowed teeth, without spending a fortune at the dentist!

Be careful, do not brush your teeth with the salt. A simple mouthwash with salt water is enough.

Why does it work?

Clay cleanses the mouth and has a slight abrasive effect to loosen impurities on the teeth.

Salt has the same slightly abrasive action. It removes the dull or yellowish film deposited on the teeth.

Result, you get whiter teeth in just a few weeks!

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's tip to whiten your teeth quickly? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

This Girl Found An Amazing Tip To Whiten Her Teeth In 2 Min.

A Dentist's Tip To Whiten Teeth Fast.

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