10 Culinary Terms to Better Understand Your Recipes.

A culinary term escapes you, and you immediately give up making a recipe?

No way !

Here is a little culinary lexicon that will allow you to better understand your recipes ... and to cook like a real Chef :-)

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Water : basting meat or fish means pouring a fatty liquid on it during cooking so that it does not dry out. Usually, you use the cooking fat or juices that collect at the bottom of the dish or an added liquid.

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Bleach : Blanching a food means immersing it for a few minutes in boiling water to make it more digestible (like cabbage), get rid of excess salt or make it easier to peel by softening its skin (like tomato).

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Chisel : chopping means cutting an ingredient very finely (like chives).

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Deglaze : deglazing means adding, just at the end of cooking, a liquid in order to transform the juices that are deposited at the bottom of a dish of meat, fish or even vegetables into juice or sauce. It is usually deglazed with water, wine, crème fraîche or broth.

To draw up : Preparing a dish means arranging the food in the best possible way so that it is most appetizing.

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Slice : slicing means cutting into thin slices or strips.

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Simmer : simmering means cooking very slowly, at the limit of boiling, a food in its sauce or its juice, usually in a covered saucepan or casserole dish.

Wet: to wet means to add a liquid (water or wine, for example) during cooking.

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Bread : breading food means coating it with a sticky product (eggs, mustard melted butter, etc.) then rolling it in a plate of breadcrumbs.

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Sweat : Sweat a food (onions, vegetables, etc.) means cooking it over low heat in a fatty substance (oil, butter, etc.) so that it melts without coloring.

Of course, this list is far from exhaustive, but it will allow you to understand less about making some recipes that sometimes use slightly technical terms.

Want to know the meanings of other culinary terms? So go to the comments, I will answer you with pleasure!

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