The Natural Tip Against Smelly Shoes.

The shoes that stink, everyone knows.

Whether after playing sports or after a long day at work ...

... bad smells in shoes are not pleasant.

Here's a natural tip against smelly shoes.

The trick is to put a tea bag in it:

Put a tea bag in smelly shoes

How to do

1. Take a tea bag.

2. Put it in the smelly shoe.

3. Do the same with the second shoe.


And there you have it, your shoes don't smell bad anymore :-)

The advantage is that it is natural. No need to buy chemicals to deodorize them.

This trick also works for a sports bag that is also the victim of bad odors.

Your turn...

Have you tried this simple trick to fight bad odors? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Radical Tip To Eliminate Smell From Smelly Shoes.

The Surprising Trick To Deodorize Your Shoes.

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