3 Simple Recipes To End Insomnia.

Having trouble sleeping at night?

Are you looking for an effective grandma's remedy?

It's true that it's not easy to have insomnia problems ...

We don't feel well during the day and we tend to get nervous.

Fortunately, here are 3 simple and effective remedies to end insomnia:

grandmother's natural remedy to fight against sleep disorder

1. A glass of hot honey milk

- Dilute a tablespoon of honey in a glass of hot milk.

- Drink this drink before going to bed.

Remember to brush your teeth to remove the sugar from the honey on the teeth.

2. An infusion of chamomile with honey

- Infuse chamomile, linden and orange blossoms.

- Add a tablespoon of honey.

- Drink this herbal tea before going to bed.

These three flowers are known for their calming virtues.

3. A relaxing honey bath

- Take a bath (35 ° C maximum).

- Pour three drops of lavender essential oil.

- Add three tablespoons of honey.

- Immerse yourself in this bath for about 20 min.

Do not rinse yourself, then go to bed without delay to enjoy the relaxing virtues of the hot bath and lavender.


There you go, you're done with sleep disorders :-)

Why it works

Honey is known to be a calming and relaxing natural product. Choose linden, orange, lavender or hawthorn honey.

Indeed, these flowers are also beneficial in calming nervousness.

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Also to discover:

15 Insomnia Tips You Absolutely Must Know.

4 Essential Grandma's Tips for Sleeping Like a Baby.

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