The Neptune Plant, a Natural Mosquito Repellent.

Under this strange name, hides a wonderful aquatic plant from the bottom of the North Sea.

Neptune's plant which does not require water, soil or fertilizer is the sworn enemy of mosquitoes!

They hate her: her smell scares them away. And we, suddenly, we love it!


Repulsive odors

Once out of the water, this natural wonder takes on a dazzling emerald green color. It then secretes repulsive odors against mosquitoes.

A smell that is imperceptible to humans and pets!

This incredible peculiarity makes this plant a natural protection against mosquitoes.

Decorative and efficient

Just leave this plant where you want to keep mosquitoes away, and you're good to go.

To finish beautifully, the Neptune plant does not need to be watered. On the other hand, it is advisable to leave it in the shade, because it does not support the intense rays of the sun.

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Also to discover:

Finally a Tip To Keep Mosquitoes Away Naturally.

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