I stopped taking showers. And Life Goes On As Before.

During our life we ​​spend 2 years whole to wash us.

It represents 12 167 hours of our existence!

Yes, yes, I promise you. I did the math ...

By taking 20 minutes each day to wash your body and hair (in the bizarre assumption that you live to be 100 years old ...), that's more than 12,000 hours devoted to this activity.

We can therefore legitimately ask the following question:

"How much time, money and water do we waste in our lifetime?"

How I stopped taking showers and my life continued as normal!

Besides the waste of time, I can't help but think of all that wasted water with every shower ...

And I'm not even talking about those who take baths!

We must also add to this, the price of all the cosmetic products that we buy ...

Because in the pubs, we are told that we must remove the film of oil that we have on the skin with soap ...

... and then rehydrate it with cream!

And other ads also tell us that we must remove the film of oil that we have in the hair ...

... and then rehydrate them with conditioner!

It's already been 4 products sold by manufacturers, plus a lot of water and time spent ...

... and during that time, no one is wondering if all of this is of any use.

It is not all the advertising and industry's fault, of course ...

Indeed, we all know from experience that if we don't take a shower for a few days, or even just 1 day, we become a stinky creature with oily hair.

But what if we tried to live with our natural body odor, and slightly oily skin and hair ?!

Just for a few weeks to see how it works?

What if we stopped listening to commercials?

Out of curiosity (and not out of laziness ...), So I gave it a try.

So I decided to stop taking showers.

And it is true that at the very beginning I became this stinking creature with oily skin :-)

But there is a simple explanation for this transformation.

You should know that human skin is an oil film in which hundreds of billions of bacteria proliferate.

When we wash, we use a detergent that removes all this oil and the bacteria will have to recolonize this territory, immense for them.

Of course there are good and bad bacteria - and when the latter takes over, bad smells arise.

In other words, when we shower too frequently, we upset the natural "ecosystem" that lives on your skin.

The good news is that this ecosystem is rapidly redeveloping.

But the bad newsis that the bacteria that live on your skin are totally out of balance with years of soap use ...

As a result, the first bacteria to reappear when you stop washing are those that produce unpleasant odors!

But rest assured ... After a short period of adaptation, your skin regains its natural balance and you don't smell bad anymore.

Obviously, your smell will not be that of the last deodorant from AX, but you will not smell bad either.

You will just feel like a To be human is supposed to smell normally.

Yep, why would Mother Nature have made us disgusting to the point of having to wash ourselves? constantly ?

In addition, what is the good of constantly wanting to dehydrate our skin to better rehydrate it in the process if not to sell us cosmetic products (filled with toxic products by the way)?

Is the daily shower really necessary ?

No more daily showers

The principle is simple.

If we allow time for our sebaceous glands and the bacteria in the skin to do their job, our skin will neither be too oily nor too dry!

Our skin will simply have recovered its natural balance.

You will understand: the real problem is the way we think about our bodily cleanliness.

We spend 2 years of our life in the shower, when taking too much is actually Wrong for skin balance!

My "Zero shower" experience

Here is how I tried the "Zero shower" experiment.

I started by using less shower gel, less shampoo, less deodorant and most importantly to take fewer showers.

At first, I took a shower every other day, instead of a daily one.

After that, it was a shower every 3 days. Today I hardly take a shower at all.

Of course, I continue to wash my hands because it is the best way to protect myself from contagious diseases.

And rest assured, I haven't forgotten the rules of social decency. I'm not a savage anyway :-)

So I still rinse myself with clean water in the places where I am visibly dirty. But without using soap.

Yes, no shower does not mean without water!

For example, I take care to rub my legs and face with a little water if I have mud stuck to my skin after jogging in the forest.

And in the morning, I tame my messy hair by quickly passing my head under the water.

But in any case, I don't use a drop of shampoo and not a drop of shower gel.

It's simple, I hardly ever go in the shower!

And the deodorant in all of this?

At the very beginning of the experience, if I didn't smell very good, it was mainly because I was no longer using deodorant.

Besides, regarding the deodorant, know that I did not stop using it overnight.

Initially, I simply replaced my commercial deodorant (toxic because it is aluminum-based ...) to a deodorant balm made from essential oils and starch, like this one.

Aluminum has antibiotic properties and that is why it is the most widely used active ingredient in commercial deos.

My new deodorant works well and it is really 100% natural, without aluminum, without alum stone and without preservatives.

But you know what ? Recently, I also stopped using it.

And life goes on as before ...

The result ? I reassure you right away, everything is going very well :-)

In the morning I wake up and in just a few minutes I'm already ready to go to work.

So much time saved!

The crazy thing is that I used to smell bad at the end of a long day at work or after playing sports.

But now, even after intense activity, I no longer have bad body odor!

Or at least not that I know of ...

To be sure, I asked my best friends to tell me if I smelled bad.

Good news ! They assured me that I didn't smell bad.

But maybe they hatched a plot to end my social life completely, who knows ;-)

Obviously, taking a shower is trickier if you work in a small space with people with sensitive smells.

If so, it's best to go green for the first few days. The time it takes for your skin to regain its natural balance ...

Besides, why not buy yourself a little house deep in the woods like this one which costs only 3,500 €?

You could easily afford it, now that you don't waste money on all those shower gels, shampoos, moisturizers, etc.

And then, you don't necessarily have to go as far as I do ...

Without completely stopping showers, already try to drastically reduce their frequency and your consumption of cosmetic products of all kinds.

I think what's important here is to question the aggressive marketing that we've been victims of for decades and this so-called "need" for a shower a day.

If one day you manage to stop taking a shower, your biggest dilemma will surely be what to do with all that extra time you've earned ?! "

Yes, you will have to find a new occupation to fill 2 more years of life :-)

Your turn...

Do you also plan to reduce the number of showers you take? Share your experience with us in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Already 6 Months WITHOUT Shampoo! My Opinion on This Experience.

10 Homemade Recipes To Never Shampoo Again.

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