Finally a Tip To AVOID the Smell of Cold Tobacco at Home.

Are you organizing an aperitif at home with smoking friends?

And you don't want to smell like stale tobacco the next day at home?

You are right because it is really not pleasant ... and moreover it is harmful for your health.

Fortunately, there is an effective trick to avoiding the smell of stale tobacco in the ashtray.

The trick is to pour a 1 cm layer of baking soda in the bottom of the ashtray before receiving your guests. Look :

use baking soda to get rid of the smell of cold tobacco

How to do

1. Before receiving your guests, pour 1 cm of baking soda in the ashtrays.

2. When your friends crush their cigarettes, the smell will be absorbed by the baking soda.

3. All you have to do is empty the ashtrays into a garbage bag, seal it tight and throw it away.


And there you have it, no more smells of cold tobacco when you wake up :-)

It's still better than waking up in a smelly house, don't you think?

You can use this trick in all the rooms of the house and especially in the bedrooms. Because nothing worse than the smell of cold tobacco encrusted in a mattress!

Bonus tip

Haven't you thought about filling the ashtray with baking soda before the party? No worries, here's a tip to get rid of the smell after the fact.

To remove the smell of cigarettes, empty the ashtray, wash it under hot water and put a little baking soda in the bottom. Rub with a sponge and rinse with cold water.

Be aware that these tips against the smell of cold tobacco also work in cars.

Just put some baking soda in the bottom of the car ashtray and wash it with baking soda in hot water.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick? Let us know if it worked for you by leaving a comment. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

My 5 Tips for Getting Rid of the Smell of Tobacco at Home.

Removing the Smell of Tobacco Soaked in Cloth: My Unstoppable Grandmother Tip.

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