The Working Tip To Harden Soft Nails.

Are your nails breaking or splitting? This is a sign of a lack of vitamins or minerals.

To overcome this problem, be sure to eat a balanced diet.

And to help you, salt becomes your ally.

How? 'Or' What ? Thanks to small salt water baths:

put 1/2 tablespoon of salt in a bowl of hot water to have hard nails

How to do

1. Put 1/2 tsp. of fine salt in 1 bowl of hot water.

2. Soak your nails for 5 min.

3. Rinse and dry your hands.

4. Repeat the operation every evening for 1 week.


And there you have it, your nails are now beautiful and strong :-)

No more nails that break and split!

A little extra tip: avoid applying varnish during the week of treatment. The varnish reduces the effectiveness of this trick.

One last little tip: to restore strength to your nails, you can also use food supplements such as brewer's yeast.

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