How to Extract Aloe Vera Gel From a Fresh Plant (Easy & Quick).

Aloe vera is a magical plant with multiple virtues.

Its gel has antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

One of its well-known uses is to relieve minor burns and sunburns.

It also helps reduce dental plaque, treat cold sores, blisters, ulcers and even constipation.

The problem is, jarred aloe vera gel isn't cheap. And there is always the risk that it will be diluted or contain additives ...

Fortunately, here is a simple, fast and economical technique for extracting and harvesting aloe vera gel from a fresh plant. Look :

How to extract aloe vera gel easily. Discover the trick by clicking here!

1. Cut the leaf

Cut an aloe vera leaf about eight inches in length.

Before cutting an aloe vera leaf, make sure the plant is mature enough.

Its leaves should be quite large and thick, about 8 inches in length.

The leaves that are on the outside of the plant are therefore the oldest.

They are more fleshy than the ones in the center and most importantly, they are full of gel.

Take a sharp knife, then carefully cut off a leaf that is on the periphery of the plant.

2. Clean the cut part

Clean the aloe vera leaf under water to remove the aloin

After the leaf is cut, you will see a yellow substance oozing from the leaf.

This substance is not aloe vera gel. but aloin, an irritant and laxative substance.

It must therefore not be in contact with the gel which is thick and transparent to it.

Aloe of aloe vera dripping from the cut leaf

To avoid getting aloin all over the place, place the leaf in a bowl upright in the sink.

The cut part of the leaf is at the bottom so that the yellow liquid can continue to flow.

Place the bowl under the faucet stream of the sink. Thoroughly wet the leaf and rub it with your fingers to clean it.

Feel free to put water in the bowl too. Once the sheet is clean, you can move on to the next step.

3. Remove the thorns

Cut the ends and the quills of the aloe vera leaf

The end of the leaf is thin and pointed. It doesn't have a lot of gel so you can cut it.

Depending on the size of the sheet, you can cut it into several slices crosswise.

Here too, wash the parts you just cut to remove the aloin well.

Now you have to remove the hard and prickly thorns on the sides of the leaf.

To do this, carefully wipe the aloe vera leaf to prevent the knife from slipping on the leaf.

Carefully cut the thorns as close as possible to avoid wasting any gel. Be careful not to cut yourself!

4. Remove the skin

Remove the skin from the aloe vera with a knife

This is the most delicate operation to extract the aloe vera gel!

Lay the sheet flat on a cutting board.

Now remove the skin from both sides of the sheet. The skin is the thin, green part of the leaf that covers the gel.

To do this, pass the blade of your knife between the skin and the thick gel.

You can also use a peeler to remove the skin, if you are worried about cutting yourself with a knife.

5. Take the gel

Aloe vera pulp extracted from the fresh plant

Have you removed the skin? Well done ! You now have thick, transparent and somewhat viscous pieces of gel in your hands.

Take care to remove any small green pieces of skin that may remain on the gel.

You can now cut these gel blocks into smaller cubes for easier storage.

Once you are done, rinse them several times under running water to be sure that no traces of aloin remain.

If any gel remains on the skin, scrape it off with a spoon so as not to lose any.

Put the aloe vera gel cubes in a clean glass or bowl. Be careful that they do not come into contact with the water used to clean the leaves.

To keep your gel as long as possible, I recommend one of these tips.

Additional advice

- Be aware that once cut, the leaf will not grow back. But that's okay because by cutting only one leaf you allow the plant to continue to develop with new leaves that will grow in the center.

- Aloe vera gel is viscous and sticky. In addition, it gives off a peculiar smell that not everyone likes!

- If you prefer to buy ready-made aloe vera gel, I recommend this one which is of excellent quality.

Your turn...

Have you tried this handy trick for extracting aloe vera gel from the fresh plant? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The 5 Virtues of Aloe Vera For a Healthy Body.

Here's How To Cut And Use Gel From An Aloe Vera Leaf.

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