Here's How To EASILY Recognize A Person Who Lies To You.

Want to know if someone is lying to you?

The problem is, we don't all have a lie detector handy!

Fortunately, there are some tips that work to find out if someone is lying to you.

These techniques are based on non-verbal communication.

Here is the easy guide that explains how to detect if someone is lying to you.

Look at the caption at the top right to find out what each gesture the person makes when talking to you is:

To find out if someone is lying to you, use this Easy Guide to Body Language Signs!

How do you know if someone is lying to you?

Step 1: see what are doing his hands

- Hands in pockets = lie, anguish

- Open palms = sincerity

- Clenched fists = lie, anguish, disagreement

Step 2: watch the movement of his eyes

If the person looks to the right = sincerity

- If she looks at the top right, she is visualizing a scene in her head

- If she looks all the way to the right, she is thinking about something she heard

- If she looks down right, she is talking to herself in her head

If the person looks to the left = lie

- If she looks at the top left, she is visually imagining a lie in her head

- If she looks all the way to the left, she is constructing a lie at the same time as she speaks

- If she looks down left, she's thinking about something she's done in the past

If the person looks you straight in the eye

- She looks you straight in the eye on purpose to appear sincere and not show that she is lying to you

- If they look at you with dull eyes: the person is remembering something visually in their head

Step 3: watch how she touches her face

A person who is lying is more likely to cover their mouth with one hand, or to put both hands near their mouth. It's like she's trying to hide the lies that came out of it. If their mouth seems frozen or if they are pursing their lips, this indicates that the person is under stress.

When someone is lying, they are more likely to touch their nose than when they are telling the truth. Why ? Because lies cause adrenaline rushes in the capillaries, which makes the nose itch.

- Touch his mouth = lie, anguish

- Lightly touches his chin = interest, sincerity

- Touch his nose = lie, anguish

Step 4: listen carefully to the way she speaks

- Speak with a shrill voice

- Has a trembling voice

- Stutters when speaking

- Exaggerate the details

- Give too many details

- Speaks aggressively

- Speaks too fast or too slowly

- Avoid answering questions

- Try to change the subject

- Repeat the same sentences

Step 5: watch her body language

- On the move = lie, anguish, disagreement

- Rubs the back of his neck = lie, anguish, disagreement

- Cross his arms over his chest = lie, anguish, disagreement

- Put the hand on the hip = restraint, anger, sincerity

When a person is lying, they:

- Sweats more than normal

- Tends to tremble

- Has redness

- Has difficulty swallowing

- Throat tight

- Clear his throat

- Lean back

And there you have it, you now know if you are facing a manipulator, a liar or a liar or even a mythomaniac!

Studies have shown that most of these bodily signs are the result of chemical reactions in the body. And it works for both men and women!

Your turn...

Have you tried these tips for recognizing someone who is lying? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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