The 3 Best Home Remedies For White Teeth At A Glance.

Do you want to have white teeth?

It's true that a sparkling smile is still more attractive!

But because of caffeine or cigarettes, teeth lose their shine and turn yellow ...

Fortunately, there are effective grandmother's remedies for quickly regaining white teeth.

We have selected for you the 3 best natural treatments to say goodbye to yellow teeth!

All you need is lemon and baking soda. Look :


a quarter of lemon for teeth whitening

With this express treatment, you will have white teeth in just a minute.

It is the reflex to have as soon as your teeth lose a little of their shine. It couldn't be simpler or faster.

To do twice a week, in the morning, after brushing your teeth.

How to do

1. Cut 1/4 lemon.

2. Rub it against your teeth for a minute.

And that's all ! In one step, your teeth will regain their whiteness :-)

It is the easiest and most economical treatment for white teeth.


lemon juice to whiten teeth

Here is a 2 in 1 treatment to have white teeth naturally.

Not only does this solution whiten teeth ...

... but in addition, your gums will be healthier and stronger.

What is essential to have beautiful teeth!

How to do

1. Squeeze a lemon juice.

2. Dip your toothbrush in undiluted lemon juice.

3. Brush your teeth with the soaked brush.

4. Gently brush your gums as well.

And there you have it, your teeth are now whiter.

But in addition, the vitamin C contained in lemon juice strengthens your gums.

Result: they are healthier and your teeth healthier!

And that's not all, because under the action of lemon, the gums redden. And by contrast, your teeth appear even whiter.


For this whitening treatment to be effective, it is important not to dilute the lemon juice.

On the other hand, this treatment is powerful and should not be done more than 2 times per week.

Even if you are tempted to have white teeth faster, don't do it more often.

Why ? Because the acidity of lemon could damage the enamel of your teeth.


baking soda mixed with lemon juice to treat white teeth

It is the most complete whitening treatment of the three.

Why ? Because it acts on the whiteness of the teeth, eliminates tartar and freshens breath.

More than a one-off treatment, it is a real cure to have white teeth in just 1 week.

How to do

1. Pour 75 g of baking soda in a small bowl.

2. Squeeze 1/2 lemon.

3. Pour the lemon juice into the bowl. Be careful, it foams!

4. Mix well.

5. Put your usual toothpaste on your toothbrush.

6. Add your mixture on top.

7. Brush your teeth as usual.

And there you have it, your teeth will become whiter day after day.

No more nasty stains on the teeth!

In addition, this treatment helps fight against dental tartar and ensures fresh breath all day long.

Do this treatment for 1 week, every morning.

You can take it for several days in a row without risk to your tooth enamel, because the bicarbonate neutralizes the citric acid in the lemon.

Why do these remedies work?

Home treatment to whiten teeth result before after

Thanks to its acidity, lemon has an abrasive power that eliminates deposits on tooth enamel.

The acidity in lemon juice attacks tartar and reduces dental plaque, which helps make teeth whiter and stronger.

You see, no need to buy a whitening toothpaste! These natural home remedies are just as effective and much more economical.

Your turn...

Have you tried these simple tips for white teeth? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How To Have White Teeth IN NO TIME :-)

An Amazing Tip To Have White Teeth Naturally.

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