Finally a Tip To Remove Oil Stains from the Garage Floor.

Is your garage floor stained with oil and gasoline stains?

It happens very often because of leaks from the car.

Here is a tip to remove those nasty stains easily.

All you need is baking soda and a wheatgrass brush. Look :

Use baking soda to remove oil and gasoline stains from the garage floor

How to do

1. Wet the garage floor.

2. Sprinkle with baking soda to utilize the slightly abrasive effect of the powder.

3. Scrub with a stiff, but non-metallic brush.

4. Rinse it off with water.


There you go, no more oil stain! The floor of your garage is now nickel :-)

It's still cleaner like that, isn't it?

And it works for cleaning motor oil on cement, concrete or tar floors.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for cleaning stains from the garage floor? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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