Here's How To Easily Unclog Drains With White Vinegar.

A blocked pipe and presto, the sink is unusable.

Follow my advice to unclog your pipes with the magic power of white vinegar and baking soda.

It's very simple, in my house the pipes get clogged all the time. I have to unblock them at least Once every month.

Fortunately, I asked my handyman grandfather for advice: he gave me his secret. Result: for 6 months, I have no more problems.

I reveal to you his effective tip for making a homemade pipe unblocker.


Bicarbonate + Vinegar to unclog sink

- 200 g of baking soda

- 20 cl of White vinegar

- 200 g of salt

- 1 basin ofboiling water

How to do

1. Combine the baking soda, salt and white vinegar in a container.

2. Pour this mixture into the blocked pipe.

3. Wait a good half an hour.

4. Pour the basin of boiling water into the pipe.


And there you have it, you have unblocked your pipes effortlessly :-)

And without a plumber!

After performing these operations, your pipe problem should be resolved.

You know how to unclog a pipe ecologically or a pipe naturally.

If there is still a difficulty, put a few blows of the suction cup on the drain hole of the drain of your sink or your clogged sink.

Do you know how to unclog a sink with baking soda? Easy, isn't it?

Bonus tip

There it's finished. Me to prevent my pipes from clogging, I pour 1 whole bottle of white vinegar each month to maintain them. It works very well !

Savings made

By choosing white vinegar to unclog the toilet or the sink with salt and baking soda, not only are you sure of the result, but it costs next to nothing.

Both baking soda and salt are worth a ridiculous price per kilo: 4 €. Vinegar costs even less, approximately 50 cents per liter.

In addition, vinegar can be used in a lot of other things around the house, especially for cleaning.

Your turn...

Have you tried this economical trick for unblocking pipes? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

7 Effective Tips To Unclog Sinks, Shower, Tub & Wash Basin Easily.

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