How To Get Rid Of Moles? My Gardener's Miracle Tip.

Moles are capable of ransacking your pretty lawn in just 1 night.

They move in their galleries, which causes lots of mounds of earth everywhere.

That's okay, but not at all aesthetic in a beautiful garden. So what to do?

No need to buy mole traps to eliminate these poor animals that play an important role in nature!

Fortunately, my gardener gave me a simple and effective tip for getting rid of moles in your garden fast.

The trick is pour used litter directly into the molehills. Look :

How to get rid of moles in the garden? Use used litter

How to do

1. Take your cat's used litter box.

2. Pour some of it into the molehills.

3. And put the other part around the holes.


And There you go ! Thanks to this effective anti-mole trick, you have driven moles from your lawn :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

It's economical and in addition, it allows you to recycle cat litter easily.

You can put it regularly in areas prized by moles to say goodbye to moles in the garden!

Why does it work?

Did you know that the cat is the sworn enemy of the mole?

So when the moles smell the cat's droppings, they won't want to stay in your garden.

Indeed, moles prefer to change location rather than having to fight with a cat.

In addition, this trick is natural and it is not dangerous for the mole or for your garden.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's remedy to repel garden moles without killing them? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

7 Effective Tips To Get Rid of Moles WITHOUT Toxic Products.

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