The Quick and Easy Way to Find Out If a Battery is Full or Empty.

Need to know if a battery is new or used?

No need to test it on a device to find out if it works.

There is a much faster and more efficient way to find out.

The trick to knowing if a battery is working is to lift and drop the stack 1 cm above the table. Look :

How to do

1. Place the battery upright on a flat surface.

2. Pick up the battery with two fingers.

3. Lift the battery approximately 1 cm above the surface.

4. Let go of the battery.

- If the stack remains upright, it means thatit is still good.

- If the battery drops, it meansit is empty.


There you go, you now know if this battery is new or used :-)

Convenient and quick to test a battery, isn't it?

Especially when you have lots of batteries and you don't know which ones are good or empty.

At least with this trick you easily know if a battery is working or if it's dead.

It avoids throwing away those that are still good and keeping those that are used and unloaded!

If you use a lot of battery at home for your various devices, I would advise you to use rechargeable batteries like these.

It is much cheaper to use and more environmentally friendly.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to recognize a full battery from an empty battery? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Tip To Know When Your TV Remote Is Running Out of Batteries.

The Tip of Knowing If Your Batteries Are Still Good.

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