Do you have sore feet? Here Is The Remedy To Relieve Them QUICKLY.

Do you have pain in your feet? Are your feet swollen?

New shoes, a long walk and the heat can cause pain ...

... and even swelling of the feet.

Obviously, you want to relieve them as quickly as possible?

Fortunately, there is an effective tip to relieve this pain and swelling.

The trick is to do a foot bath in vinegar water. Look :

Remedy to relieve swollen or painful feet with vinegar foot bath

How to do

1. Take a basin.

2. Fill it with about five liters of water.

3. Add two glasses of white vinegar in it.

4. Soak your feet in the basin for about 30 minutes.


And There you go ! No more pain and your feet deflated quickly :-)

Use hot water for sore feet from new shoes.

And of cold water for swollen feet from long walk or heat.

In addition, vinegar is excellent if you tend to get yeast infections on your feet or toenails because it is antifungal.

Your turn...

Have you tried this remedy for sore feet? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Baking Soda for Relaxing Feet.

Do your shoes hurt your feet? My Tip for Widening Them.

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