Rule of Three: One Site to Calculate It in 10 Seconds!

Are you bad at mental arithmetic? Me too.

Unfortunately, the rule of three is the most widely used mathematical formula in the world.

And you are sure to need it! Whether for a recipe or a budget, the rule of 3 is essential.

But don't worry, here's a site that lets you calculate any rule of three in less than 10 seconds. Click on the image to access it :

The trick to calculating the rule of three easily

How to do

All you have to do is enter the numbers you want to calculate in the boxes and click on "Find the unknown".

To start using this handy tool, click here.


There you go, you can now easily calculate the rule of three :-)

Simple, practical and efficient!

Do you like this trick ? Share it with your friends on Facebook.

Also to discover:

How To Multiply Large Numbers In Your Head (Without Calculator).

A Very Convenient Free Online Calculator.

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