Unsightly pimples: my 3 solutions to make them disappear.

Pimples ... a sore when they settle on our face.

I unearthed just for you 3 very simple, natural and economical tips to stop a pimple.

Our first instinct would be to go and stand in front of his mirror, take out our claws and detonate the person in charge.

Bad idea: by piercing it, we risk giving birth to a pretty colony of pimples, causing redness and inflammation that will go even less unnoticed. So what to do to stop a pimple that pushes?

We calm down, wash our hands properly and use one of these tips to make a pimple that pushes disappear.

natural remedies for acne pimples

1. The button that lands

So what to put on a pimple that pushes?

Before going to bed if one of those damn pimples appears, I apply vanilla essence on it to stop the arrival of a pimple.

But since not everyone has this at home, another tip is to apply a little toothpaste to the unborn pimple overnight.

To discover : A Simple and Effective Grandma's Recipe Against Pimples.

By morning, it should have started to subside. One should no longer feel this discomfort caused by the growth of an imperfection. This is an effective trick to stop a pimple that pushes.

2. The pimple that squats the face

To stop its progression, you can apply a little fresh lemon juice on it.

Slightly antiseptic, the lemon will dry out this unsightly pimple without irritating it.

Mistake to avoid: Put on alcohol. Alcohol irritates, dries up the skin, but does not affect the imperfection. So to avoid ending up with a huge red mark and an even bigger pimple, say no to alcohol! ;)

3. Attack treatment for stubborn pimples

Acetylsalicylic acid is used. What? This is the active principle of aspirin, a molecule often used in the composition of anti-blemish care formulas. It is effective in removing a pimple that pushes.

So, we provide ourselves with an aspirin tablet, or a sachet of Aspro, which we will mix with a little yogurt respecting these proportions: 1 pinch of Aspro for a teaspoon of yogurt nature.

The paste obtained, I apply it on the imperfection to be treated. Leave on for about 10 minutes, while the mixture dries. This very practical solution should only be used in an emergency.

How it works ? Aspirin, a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, fights the bacteria responsible for the pimple and helps it to be reabsorbed. Be careful, however, this treatment has a very effective drying action which can be harmful to your skin in the long term.

So no abuse, we only use it if the button is really there!

To prevent their recurrence, I use an anti-acne lotion made from parsley, thyme and lemon balm as a daily cleanse.

Your turn...

Surely you have some natural tips to share with us against pimples. Or maybe you are looking for a natural solution? Do not hesitate to talk about it with us in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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