My Beautician's Secret Recipe To Make Her Face Wash In 1 Min.

Everyone dreams of having beautiful skin!

And for that, it is essential to do a regular skin cleansing.

But no need to buy a cleanser like Neutrogena Visibly Clear to have a fresh and luminous complexion!

Not only is it not cheap, but it is also full of products that are harmful to the skin ...

Fortunately, my beautician revealed to me her secret recipe for making your own homemade facial cleanser.

Don't worry, the recipe takes less than a minute to make and it's 100% natural. Look :

How to make your homemade facial cleanser easily and quickly.

How to do

1. Wet your fingers.

2. Sprinkle them lightly with baking soda.

3. Gently massage your face in small circular motions.

4. Do not forget about the wings of the nose.

5. Then rinse with cold water.

6. Gently dry the face by dabbing it with a towel.

7. Hydrate as usual.


And There you go ! You now know the secret recipe for homemade face cleanser ready in 1 min :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, isn't it?

The skin on your face is now cleansed and exfoliated in the blink of an eye without the use of soap!

No more questionable products full of chemical ingredients that we put on the skin.

To you the fresh and luminous complexion!

Additional advice

Be careful not to get any baking soda in your eyes. If this happens, wash them off with clean water immediately.

Do this peel only once or twice a month at most.

This homemade cleanser works for all skin types: oily, dry, combination and sensitive.

If you have acne prone skin, use the same recipe adding 1 drop of tea tree essential oil.

Why does it work?

The bicarbonate unclogs impurities and imperfections from the skin.

Pollution, sweat and make-up residue will be removed with this method. Thus, the skin is instantly illuminated.

On the other hand, bicarbonate also cleanses the skin and thus prevents the formation of small pimples.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's recipe for deep cleansing your face? Tell us in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

Home Skin Cleansing More Effective Than At The Beautician.

Bicarbonate + Coconut Oil: The Best Cleanser For Problem Skin.

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