How Do I Convert Cups to Grams in Recipes? The Indispensable Conversion Table.

Do you like American recipes? Me too !

The concern is that the measures are not the same as ours.

They use "cups" and "Fahrenheits" whereas we use grams and Celsius.

Result, it takes a lead to convert these measurements ...

Who wants to take out their calculator when cooking? Not me !

Fortunately, here is the conversion table to make your life easier.

Just choose the ingredient of the recipe (flour, sugar, butter or heavy cream) to have the equivalence. Look :

The practical guide to converting the measurements of your basic ingredients from the imperial system to the metric system.

To print this converter table in PDF format, click here.

Table of equivalence of measurements & temperatures

This 2nd table allows you to easily convert all the other ingredients you need for your recipes.

Liquids, dried fruits or chocolate chips, use this guide to easily convert your ingredients from the Anglo-Saxon system to the metric system.

For cooking temperatures, just use the conversion from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. Look :

Here is how to convert measurements and temperatures from the American system to the metric system.

To print this converter table in PDF format, click here.

The mini conversion table

And finally, you can keep this mini temperature conversion guide next to your oven.

Practice ! This way, you can easily print it out and keep it handy by hanging it with a magnet.

Look at this table to convert cooking temperatures from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius.

To print this converter table in PDF format, click here.

How were these measurements calculated?

Be aware that measurement conversions may vary depending on the ingredients.

To calculate our measurements, we used cups filled to the brim, as in the photos below :-)

Here are cups for measuring ingredients with the Anglo-Saxon system.

First, we fill: cups, 1/2 cups, 1/4 cups, etc.

Here's how to make a level cup, fill it and remove the excess so that it is filled to the brim.

And then, we remove the excess to have a nice shaved cup that we measure.

There, it's still easier like that, isn't it?

Hope these measurement conversion guides will make your life easier now :-)

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Also to discover:

Baking: Our Guide To Converting Temperatures to a Thermostat.

Missing a Spice for a Recipe? Here's What To Replace It With.

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