The Ultra Simple Homemade Lip Balm Recipe.

Need a lip balm for your chapped and damaged lips?

After trying this homemade lip balm recipe, you'll never want to buy one again!

It's easy, economical, 100% natural and good for your lips, especially in winter.

I tried to estimate the cost of this recipe but frankly it wasn't worth the pennies!

On the other hand, you can thank the bees because beeswax is just perfect for the lips. Look :

The recipe for homemade lip balm


- 14 g of grated or coarsely chopped beeswax (about 3 teaspoons)

- 28 g of coconut oil (about 6 teaspoons)

- 1.5 teaspoon of lanolin

- ¾ teaspoon of vitamin E

- 2 teaspoons of thick honey

- ¾ teaspoon of peppermint essential oil

beeswax to make a homemade lip balm

How to do

1. In a small saucepan, combine the beeswax, coconut oil, lanolin and vitamin E.

2. Use a wooden chopstick or other small stick to stir.

3. Remove from the heat.

4. Add honey and mint essential oil.

5. Mix well with the baguette, trying to evenly distribute the oil in the mixture. This is the trickiest part of the recipe.

6. Quickly pour the mixture into small boxes or jars.

7. Let the mixture cool on your countertop until it hardens.


put the homemade lip balm in small boxes

And there you have it, your natural and homemade lip balm is already ready :-)

When I told you it was simple, it wasn't a joke!

This recipe allows you to fill 3 small boxes of 21 g (as in the photo) or 1 jar of 150 g.

For the containers, I re-used old containers of hand creams that I had kept a few years ago.

Note: I always prefer to measure my ingredients with an accurate kitchen scale. But for those who don't, I've included rough teaspoon measurements as well.

All the ingredients can be found in organic stores or here, by clicking on the following links: beeswax, coconut oil, lanolin, vitamin E, thick honey, peppermint essential oil.

Some people are allergic to lanolin. If you want to offer these lip balms, put a small label mentioning the presence of lanolin.

I always use solid honey. From experience, liquid honey will make the mixture too runny and not homogeneous enough. If that's all you have, try putting in less than 2 scoops.

With this recipe, I make enough balm for our family of 5 for several months!

I usually give a small jar for each batch I make :-)

After a while, if the honey starts to crystallize, you can melt it again and use it again. Like it was new!

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's lipstick recipe? Let us know in the comments if it worked well for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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