Bad Smelling Washing Machine: The Trick To Remove Bad Smells.

Does your washing machine smell bad after washing?

Unfortunately, bad smells often appear after a while!

So what to do?

The natural and effective trick is to use baking soda.

To do this, simply run the washing machine empty with baking soda instead of detergent:

Deodorize your washing machine with baking soda

How to do

1. Leave the washing machine drum empty without putting any clothes in it.

2. Instead of the detergent, put in the same place or directly in the drum 1 glass of baking soda.

3. Choose a short, slightly warm cycle at 30 ° C maximum.

4. Start the washing machine.


And there you have it, you have removed the bad smells in your washing machine :-)

Now you know how to clean a washing machine that smells bad.

This is the best trick for removing bad smells from a stinking washing machine and sanitizing it.

In addition to effectively deodorizing your machine, this trick prevents the formation of tartar.

If you don't have baking soda, you can find it here.

Your turn...

Have you tried this trick to deodorize the washing machine? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How to Clean a Washing Machine in 7 Steps.

Here's How To Maintain Your Washing Machine With White Vinegar.

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