2 Foolproof Tips For Choosing A Well-Ripe Avocado.

Avocados are delicious as long as they are ripe.

But it's not always clear how to tell if an avocado is ripe or not, just by touching it.

In fact, this technique is not always effective.

Wondering how to choose a ripe avocado but not too much?

Fortunately, my grandmother told me about her two very simple tips for knowing if an avocado is good.

To buy a delicious ripe avocado for your recipes, just look at its stalk.

1. Remove the stalk from the avocado

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This is by far the most foolproof solution to recognizing a good lawyer!

By removing the avocado stalk (the part that normally connects the avocado and the branch), you will get a glimpse of the inside, and therefore the color of your avocado:

- or it is very clear: it may not be ripe enough ... Test it to be sure. If it is soft, it will be fine. If it is very hard, iron in a few days.

- either it is green : He is perfect ! You can consume it.

- either it is black : uh ... throw it away. Or, open it up and see if there are any edible parts left.

2. Touch the base of the peduncle

avocados just ripe for a recipe

If for some X or Y reason you do not want to remove the peduncle, you can always check by pressing your fingers on the base of the peduncle.

This technique is less immediately reliable, but it also works.

If the avocado is soft you can go, but if it is very very soft your avocado is overripe or even rotten!

If on the other hand the surface is hard, wait a little longer, or make it mature faster with this trick.


There you go, you now know how to choose a good, ripe avocado :-)

Opening an avocado (and especially eating it!) To discover that it is not ripe is not really pleasant.

No way to be wrong now! You'll never eat tough avocados again.

Your turn...

Don't forget to let us know if you know any other tips in the comments. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The trick to keeping an avocado cut without it going dark.

2 Tips for Ripening an Avocado Quickly.

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