The Working Trick to Remove an Encrusted Bloodstain.

Do you have a blood stain on something?

Unfortunately, this one was not cleaned right away and it is encrusted, which makes it very difficult to remove.

How to remove an old, dried and encrusted bloodstain?

Fortunately, there is a completely natural method of our grandmothers to clean a blood stain from clothing.

These are soda crystals.

clean blood stain on mattress

How to do

1. In a bowl, mix lukewarm water and soda crystals.

2. Rub the stain with this mixture.

3. Secondly, rub the remains of the stain with soapy water.

4. Wash your garment as usual.


And There you go ! The encrusted bloodstain disappeared thanks to the soda crystals.

Simple, practical and efficient!

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandma's trick for removing blood stains? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

The Secret To Easily Remove Blood Stains From A Bed Sheet.

How to Machine Wash Your Laundry with Marseille Soap.

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