How To Make Your Own Canned Vegetables EASILY.

Need to keep your vegetables fresh for the winter?

If you have a vegetable garden, now is the time to canning!

It allows you to consume vegetables all year round.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to make your own canned vegetables.

Grandma's trick is to keep them in an airtight jar like this one. Look, it's very simple:

the recipe for preserving vegetables

Source: The perfect.

How to do

1. Wash your jars with soap and water.

2. Air dry them.

3. Boil the fresh vegetables in a saucepan.

4. Drain the vegetables but keep the cooking water.

5. Pour the water and the still hot vegetables into the jar to the fill level indicated on the jar.

6. Take a rubber washer.

7. Scald her.

8. Place it on the lid.

9. Close the jar tightly.

10. In a large saucepan, put a cloth at the bottom.

11. Put the jars in it. Be careful that they cannot collide with each other.

12. Fill with water up to 2 cm below the lids.

13. Heat up to 100 ° C.

14. Leave to cook for about 30 minutes.

15. Then let the water cool.

16. Take out the jars.


There you go, your canned vegetables are already ready :-)

Easy and fast, isn't it? No more mess of vegetables! You will be able to keep your seasonal vegetables for many months.

If your vegetable garden or fruit trees are producing too much, now you know what to do. Same if you bought too many vegetables at the market.

If you don't have jars, you can find some here.

Additional advice

- when you make your preserves, the steps must follow one another quickly without interruption.

- wash the jars well with soap at the start.

- before closing the jar, wipe the rim of the jar with a rag to make sure it is clean.

- this trick works with all vegetables, like green beans, tomatoes, artichokes, eggplant, carrots, cucumbers, pickles, zucchini, beans, peas, peppers, radishes, asparagus.

- for beans, remember to squeeze them together to avoid air pockets.

- know that you can also cook your vegetables in ratatouille before canning them.

- store your jars in a cool, dry place.

- know that you can also use your jars to make delicious salads or to keep your green salad fresh for 1 month. Check out the trick here.


- to check that your jar is properly closed, unlock the closure system. The lid must remain stuck to the jar.

- if your jars are not properly closed, it may be because your jars are not full enough, the heat treatment was too short or the temperature was too low. Also check that there is no sealing defect or that your washer is not too old. In this case, it suffices to repeat the heat treatment with another new washer, in perfect condition, and clean.

Your turn...

Have you tried this grandmother's trick for storing your vegetables? Tell us in the comments if it's effective. We can't wait to hear from you!

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