My 8 Best Concealer Tips Tested and Approved!

I don't like to look exhausted or depressed at all, because of nasty dark circles appearing under my eyes!

There are dark circles and dark circles, and therefore different methods to remedy them.

Here are my 8 favorite tips to get rid of these naggers!

Dark circles

8 effective natural concealer tips

the small circle incidentally, the one that appears after a restless night (baby teething?), while the previous ones were restful, is not very serious, and can be repaired very quickly.

Tip # 1

Quite simply with just two small frozen spoons thatI apply on my eyes, I get rid of it in a few minutes, and in addition the feeling of cold wakes me up as soon as I jump out of bed!

Dark circles lasting a few days

dark circles a few cheeks

Several nights without much sleep, the result is there: the small circles, which were rather discreet the first morning, are getting longer. There are two alternatives for this:

Tip # 2

After my breakfast, I relax on my sofa, and I apply two sachets ofcooled tea, then slices ofcucumber on my eyes ...


Tip # 3

If I don't have these ingredients, I take the mixture I prepared the day before, made of yogurt, coffee grounds and lemon, and I apply it as a mask for 1/4 hour.

Dark circles that become chronic

chronic dark circles

So there ... No more choice! The basic treatment is essential! My dark circles become real suitcases, because I haven't been paying attention for several weeks, I lack sleep, last night I also had a big grief, I cried all night ... no panic!

I immediately start two very important tips, which go hand in hand: prevention and repair!

Tip # 4

In prevention : I force myself to sleep at the same times, the same amount of sleep each night, as much as possible. At the end of 3-4 weeks, my body will have chosen this rhythm as a good sleep rhythm. In addition, I eat fruits and vegetables and dairy products, forgetting coffee a little, especially after 3 p.m.

Tip # 5

In repair : I adopt the mixture of olive oil and lemon juice to apply with a cotton ball, as a 2-3 weeks.

No more dark circles if possible

no dark circles

So, I've recapitulated for you the best How-To-Save tips and advice, which I have tested and approved. Now, I give you my bonus tips and solutions to keep these schemers from appearing.

Tip # 6

I use the right products for my skin: antioxidant argan oil. It is therefore anti-wrinkle and gives a healthy glow, while deeply hydrating the skin.

Tip # 7

I invigorate her; I take it off every night (I force myself if I'm lazy), and I don't hesitate to do withoutthe watervery fresh twice a day.

Tip # 8

I erase, I make masks, regularly, with simple and inexpensive ingredients, such as chocolate, shea butter or jojoba oil.

And there you have it, you know grandmother's 8 remedies for dark circles.

Your turn...

Have you tried these concealer tips? Let us know in the comments if they worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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