My Tip for Rediscovering White Curtains.

Are your curtains lacking in freshness?

If you want to give them back all their whiteness, there is a very simple trick to yellowing curtains and curtains: baking powder.

I don't know about you, but I still feel like my curtains are stained and gray.

Between the sun that turns them yellow, the dust that dirties them, the little hands that cling to them and I move on, they are rarely as white as you would like.

On my last move, a friend gave me a foolproof trick: dilute a sachet of baking powder (you know, the dumb beast, you use to bake cakes!) In a glass of hot water. Look :

use yeast to find balncs curtains

How to do

1. Fill your tub with hot water.

2. Soak your curtains in it.

3. Dilute the yeast in a glass.

4. Pour it into the tub.

5. Stir well.

6. Leave to soak for about three quarters of an hour.

7. Stir from time to time.

8. At the end of this time, wash your curtains in the washing machine, with your usual detergent.


And there you have it, your curtains have never been so white :-)

When they come out of the machine, they will be as white as when you bought them!

Now you know how to whiten curtains yellowed by nicotine and tobacco.

And so they don't wrinkle, hang them immediately, when they're still wet. You will thus avoid the ironing box!

Your turn...

Did you try that grandmother's trick to find the white curtains? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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