Aspirin Mask Against Acne: The Skin Saving Tip.

Acne remedies, I tried quite a few as a teenager.

But when a button had decided not to go, I admit that it was more often him who had the last word.

If I am saved today, my cousin cannot say the same.

Fortunately, we tried the aspirin mask on her, a super effective home remedy.

Discover the acne trick that literally saves the skin.

make an asprine mask to fight acne


- 4 aspirin lozenges

- a little water

- 1 tablespoon of honey

How to do

1. Arrange the aspirins in a bowl.

2. Crush them.

3. Pour a little water on the aspirins to obtain a paste the consistency of toothpaste.

4. Use a fork to mix it up a bit.

Note: If it's too dense, add water, and if it's too liquid, add an aspirin.

5. Add the spoon of honey.

6. mix everything.

how to make an aspirin acne mask

7. Apply to all areas of your face that are prone to acne.

8. Leave on for 10 minutes.

9. Rinse thoroughly.


And there you have it, the skin on your face is now clearer :-)

Usage tips

- Do as much as possible 2 masks per week in the event of a prolonged crisis.

- Remember to redo a new mask each time.

- If you have very dry skin, you can additionally add honey and a spoonful of olive oil.

- Do not use more than 6 aspirins for 1 mask.

Be careful, if you are allergic to aspirin, NEVER do this mask.

Why does it work?

The anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin will significantly reduce redness.

Aspirin contains salicylic acid, the main ingredient in acne creams.

It helps to clean the pores of the skin. It is a very good exfoliant. It is also a very good ingredient to fight against wrinkles and aging of the skin.

Honey is a natural anti-bacterial. It will prevent the risk of new acne attack by cleaning the pores thoroughly.

Honey also has moisturizing properties that will help to hydrate the skin in depth to better fight against acne.

Acne: scary memories!

Pimples, cracks, craters, the Tower of Pisa and other volcanic eruptions ... There was no shortage of expressions to mock each other about our acne attacks.

Yes, adolescence is cruel! Beware of the one who arrived with a spot on his nose at recess. And, to finish with the schoolboy expressions, looking like a calculator is one of the obsessions of any teenager.

If in adulthood, we avoid making fun of this kind of skin crisis, seeing an acne pimple come out brings back those adolescent memories repressed deep in our memory.

Convinced that everyone sees only that, the need to make it disappear becomes PRIORITY n ° 1, a real emergency that makes us run to the pharmacy faster than Usain Bolt in the 100m final.

No more need now with this miracle home remedy for acne! It is easy to do, efficient and on top of that, it costs nothing!

Your turn...

What do you think of this miracle mask? Have you tested it? Has your acne gone? Give us your feedback.

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