The Very Convenient Tip for Making a Homemade Screwdriver in 30 Seconds.

Don't have a screwdriver on hand?

You have to unscrew a slightly special screw and do not have the right shape of screwdriver?

No problem. You just need an old Bic pen and a lighter to get rid of any small screw.

In 30 seconds, your homemade screwdriver will be ready!

fabirquer homemade screwdriver

How to do

1. Remove the cap, then the lead, to keep only the plastic tube.

2. Using a lighter, melt the tip of the pen on the mine side until it ignites. Blow to stop the flame.

3. Place the pen directly on the screw. Press and wait for the pen to cool.

4. You can now remove the pen and you can see that the tip of the pen is now the shape of the screw.


And there you have it, you now have your homemade screwdriver :-)

Easy, fast and very practical!

As it is only plastic, if trying to unscrew the tip breaks, repeat the operation by melting the pen again.

The advantage is that you have quite a bit of plastic to deal with a stubborn screw.

Your turn...

Have you tried this inexpensive tip for making a screwdriver? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to hear from you!

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Also to discover:

How to Unscrew a Screw With a Damaged Head? The Little Trick to Know.

The Easy Way To Unscrew a Rusty Screw.

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