The Super Effective Trick To Remove Candle Wax From Furniture.

Oops ... Did the candle leave a wax stain on your wooden furniture?

It can be very difficult to remove when you don't know how!

Luckily, my grandma told me about her super effective tip for getting rid of dried wax.

The trick is to use a hair dryer to easily remove the stain. Look :

Use a hair dryer to soften the wax that has dried on your furniture and easily remove it.

How to do

1. Take your hair dryer.

2. Quickly heat the dried wax with your hair dryer.

3. As soon as it starts to soften, remove it with a cloth or paper cloth.


And there you have it, the wax stain on your furniture is gone, without having to rub and without damaging your furniture :-)

Bonus tip

If any traces remain, soak your cloth in methylated spirits and swipe it over the stain.

Do you know how to remove a candle stain from clothing? Here is the simple trick to remove it effortlessly.

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Also to discover:

The Trick To Remove Wax From Hanging Candles In A Glass.

How To Never Again Burn Your Fingers By Lighting A Candle.

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