The Simple Tip To Eat a Boiled Egg WITHOUT an Egg Cup.

You crave hard-boiled eggs, but you don't have an egg cup at home.

It would be a shame to deprive yourself of this gourmet and healthy pleasure, don't you think?

Fortunately, there is a very simple trick to making an improvised egg cup in 25 seconds.

All you need is a glass and a paper towel to make a stand for your boiled egg.

make homemade egg cup easily and quickly

How to do

1. Cook your hard-boiled egg.

2. Remove its shell.

3. Wrap your egg in kitchen paper.

4. Put it in a small empty glass.


And there you have it, you now have your egg cup to eat your soft-boiled egg :-)

Your improvised egg cup is ready and at no cost to you. You now know how to replace your egg cup.

Simple, efficient and very practical, when you don't have an egg cup on hand!

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Also to discover:

The Trick to Recognize a Fresh Egg from an Expired Egg Every Time.

The Trick to Recognize a Hard-Boiled Egg from a Raw Egg Every Time.

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